Nigerian Couple Sees UFO and Human ET in Niger Delta UFOs A Nigerian couple claims to have seen unidentified flying objects (UFO) and Extra-Terrestrial (E.T) last night in their neighborhood in the Niger Delta according the eye-witness account of the husband posted on Nairaland , the popular online forum. EasyG: Okay this probably sounds over the top and I was never one to give much credence to UFO sightings, how much more ever imagine I would ever lay eyes on one physically especially in Nigeria since most recorded sightings have been in the western world but last night I observed UFO activity for about 2 hours. I was awakened around 0100 hours by an extremely loud noise and at first i thought it was the outdoor unit of my air conditioner so I powered it off but the noise wouldn't go away. It was real loud and rather disconcerting because it was a humming sound. My wife sprang up and was scared stiff, thinking judgement day had arrived because the sound was coming ...
Showing posts from June, 2014