
Showing posts from January, 2023

Google Alert - UAP

UAP Daily update ⋅ January 31, 2023 NEWS What does UAP mean and how is it different from a UFO? - The US Sun The US Sun UAP stands for 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena'. UFO stands for 'Unidentified Flying Object'. Many experts in the field found UFO was being ridiculed ... Flag as irrelevant The number of UFO sightings has sky-rocketed, and here's why - Verdict Verdict Around 510 Unidentified Arial Phenomena ( UAP ) sightings (or UFOs as most people know them) were confirmed from 2021–2022. Flag as irrelevant UAP officially launches NatCon 48, Conex 2023 - The Manila Times The Manila Times THE United Architects of the Philippines ( UAP ) started the year 2023 with a bang by officially launching the 48 National Convention (NatCon 48) ... Flag as irrelevant WHO ...

Google Alert - UFO

UFO Daily update ⋅ January 31, 2023 NEWS The number of UFO sightings has sky-rocketed, and here's why - Verdict Verdict Around 510 Unidentified Arial Phenomena (UAP) sightings (or UFOs as most people know them) were confirmed from 2021–2022. Flag as irrelevant Watch the video: Fast moving UFO spotted racing over houses in Doncaster Doncaster Free Press This is the moment a Doncaster resident captured a UFO racing at high speed above his street. Flag as irrelevant Top UFO investigator says aliens 'have an agenda' and it's not a peaceful one - Dunya News Dunya News Malcolm Robinson has written 10 books on aliens and described what he thinks they look like. One of the UK s leading extraterrestrial specialists, ... Flag as irrelevant Secret S...

Google Alert - UFO

UFO Daily update ⋅ January 30, 2023 NEWS Rebranded as ' UFO cakes,' Taiwanese delicacy is cherished by Vietnamese - Taipei Times Taipei Times A Vietnamese entrepreneur who fell in love with Taiwanese wheel cakes while studying in Taiwan is selling the delicacies, rebranded as "Taiwanese ... Flag as irrelevant Hardwell And Maddix Rework 4Strings Classic 'Take Me Away Again' - UFO Network UFO Network Legendary DJ Hardwell teams up with Dutch phenomenon Maddix to spread retro video game magic on rework of classic 4Strings Eurodance track Take Me ... Flag as irrelevant Charming UK village is UFO hotspot with 'NASA scientists showing interest' - The Mirror The Mirror A charming village in the UK which boasts rows of cottages and local pubs surrounded by beautiful scenery has been described as a ...