
Showing posts from September, 2023

Google Alert - UAP

UAP Daily update ⋅ September 30, 2023 NEWS Oklahoma has decades-long history with UAP sightings - KOCO KOCO In the past few months, Congress has held hearings to discuss UAP -Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, also called UFOs. Both sides of the political ... Flag as irrelevant U.S. Department of Energy UAP Documents Reveal Puzzling Aerial Incursions Near ... - The Debrief The Debrief Documents released by the Department of Energy reveal new details about unauthorized drone incidents and UAP sightings near nuclear sites. Flag as irrelevant UFOs: How NASA plans to get to the bottom of unexplained sightings - EastMojo EastMojo Amidst ongoing UFO reports, NASA is now prioritising the subject, appointing a new director for UAP research after an independent expert ... Flag as irrelevant ...

Google Alert - UFO

UFO Daily update ⋅ September 30, 2023 NEWS No, the Pentagon didn't release footage of a gigantic UFO - PolitiFact PolitiFact stated on September 23, 2023 in a Facebook post: "Pentagon releases NASA footage of 2,000 mile long UFO near Saturn." true false. Flag as irrelevant Oklahoma has decades-long history with UAP sightings - KOCO KOCO In the past few months, Congress has held hearings to discuss UAP-Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, also called UFOs . Both sides of the political ... Flag as irrelevant Images Of Saturn's 'Momo' Moon Go Viral, Could It Be A UFO ? - BT TV - Business Today Business Today Images Of Saturn's 'Momo' Moon Go Viral, Could It Be A UFO ? Nifty's Best Month May Be Coming If You Believe In History. BCCI Secretary Jay Shah ... ...

Google Alert - UFO

UFO Daily update ⋅ September 29, 2023 NEWS Shag Harbour UFO XPO returns to Yarmouth this weekend | Watch News Videos Online Global News We check in with Danny Reid, organizer of The Shag Harbour UFO XPO, an annual event that brings UFO experts and eyewitnesses together to share ... Flag as irrelevant From 'alien bodies' in Mexico to flying saucers in secret US bunkers, breaks ... Daily Mail's Josh Boswell analyzes the trove of recent UFO and alien news, from 'bodies' in Mexico to whistleblowers in Congress, to separate ... Flag as irrelevant Spielberg-produced UFO doc has more than 300 witnesses for mile-long spaceship NY Post The Netflix documentary "Encounters," produced by Steven Spielberg, has more than 300 wit...