Google Alert - UFO
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Investigating the unexplained: How this Wisconsin group hunts for Bigfoot, UFOs and ghosts From Bigfoot sightings and haunted houses to three different towns claiming to be the UFO capital, there's no shortage of unexplained activity in ...
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Rocky Mountains UFO, Evidence at Loch Ness and More | Paranormal Caught on Camera A family is baffled by a silent UFO in the Colorado Rockies. A paranormal investigator encounters shadow figures hiding in a graveyard.
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Fireball and the Star People | UFO Witness - Travel Channel Ben and Melissa investigate reports of mysterious fireballs in the skies of northern Idaho. A recent uptick in sightings suggest whoever pilots ...
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The questions Congress should — but didn't — ask about UFOs | The Hill The willingness of House Intelligence Committee members to consider unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) — what we once called UFOs — in a public ...
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I russi trovano un camion oltre 150 cadaveri nell'Azovstal. "Messa in scena di Kiev" - YouTube Mosca accusa Kiev di aver sistematicamente inscenato una campagna diffamatoria contro il Cremlino sui resti dei corpi dei soldatiALTRE ...
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Omnibus 28/05/2022 - YouTube Politica attualita' e cultura nei dibattiti del contenitore del mattino.
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Sesto pacchetto sanzioni - Unomattina - 31/05/2022 - YouTube Si è trovato dunque un compromesso nell'accordo europeo sull'embargo del petrolio russo.In collegamento Jacopo Iacoboni La Stampa, ed in studio la ...
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Four 'malicious' alien civilisations could attack or invade Earth: Researcher - Science News - WION The estimation is based on the worlds history of invasions in the last century, military capabilities of the countries involved, and the global ...
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Eurozona, l'inflazione schizza all'8,1% su base annua: è record assoluto - YouTube Si tratta della cifra più alta mai registrata da quando l'indicatore fu istituito nel gennaio 1997ALTRE INFORMAZIONI ...
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62 School Children Claim To Have Spotted UFO Landing Outside Their School - The incident dates back to September 16, 1994, when 62 children claimed they saw a UFO landing outside their school in Zimbabwe.
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