Google Alert - UAP
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Innovative UAP Sighting Platform Enigma Launches with Emotive Film by Chromista's Eliza McNitt Little Black Book, Enigma's first product is an iOS mobile app, and they plan to launch on Android.
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Want to Find UFOs? That's a Job for Machine Learning - Universe Today In 2017, humanity got its first glimpse of an interstellar object (ISO), known as 1I/'Oumuamua, which buzzed our planet on its way out of the ...
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Andy Biggs Asks Whistleblowers If The Government Needs To Be 'More Transparent' About ... During a House Oversight Committee hearing last month, Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) asked about declassifying UAP incidents.
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Bipartisan House group pushes for select committee, classified hearings into UFOs | NewsNation "Not the Trump indictments, not Hunter Biden. They are talking about the UAP hearing because there's great interest in this government transparency ...
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What's Behind Washington's Sudden Fascination With UAPs? | The Big Take - YouTube The recent congressional hearing on unidentified aerial phenomenon–also known as UAPs– gave a high-profile platform to what we used to call UFOs.
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Top Letters And Comments, August 18, 2023 - AVweb This week's letters brought comments from readers about an aircraft restoration project, maintenance, and Congress investigating UAP claims.
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Antigravity: Zero Point and the Classified World of UAP Technology - The Debrief For decades, rumors involving secret research efforts to find a means of opposing gravity have hinted at efforts by the United States and other ...
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Tom DeLonge says the government was right to withhold information about UFOs Pop-punk rocker and alien enthusiast Tom DeLonge has shared a series of posts on X (formerly known as Twitter) expressing his opinion that the US ...
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'Is There Life Out There? I Don't Know?': Maxwell Frost Discusses The Possibilities Of Aliens Before the Congressional Recess, Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL) discussed the possibility of alien life during a House Oversight Committee hearing.
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¿Ovnis en Chubut? - YouTube Tras la apariciĆ³n de algunos objetos voladores no identificados en los cielos chubutenses, Betina Grosman, una reconocida aficionada en el tema, ...
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